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In a nutshell

Shucks - I hate talking about myself.

But being as you asked, here are four things you might want to bear in mind when trying to decide whether to cut me a slice of your hard-earned communications budget:

1: I'm what you call well-seasoned 

I have a lot of communications experience. Over twenty five years of the stuff. I’ve plied my trade in marketing communications, internal communications and wider stakeholder relations, client and agency-side. I’ve got a degree in business studies and a Chartered Institute of Marketing postgrad diploma. 

2: I'm obsessed with your audience

I’m a naturally empathetic person. Which means I'll always put myself firmly in the shoes of your audience to understand their needs and motivations. If you want your content to move people to action, it needs to be created for them, not for you or your boss.

3: I feel your pain

I’ve been a client - I know all about time pressures and budget constraints. And I know what it’s like to get lumbered with an agency that needs spoon feeding every step of the way, only to deliver results that are wholly underwhelming. Work with me and the process will be painless and you'll get big bangs for your buck.

4: I'm not the cheapest (or the most expensive)

As fearless firefighter Red Adair put it: “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.” B2B and corporate comms is serious stuff. You need someone who can quickly grasp complex subject matter and convert it into game-changing content.


As well as all of that, I'm a really nice person.


Get in touch


07764 242 246

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